has commissioned The Berlin data protection in a dispute with several major video conferencing providers downstream. In a on Friday published a “short test” attesting to their authority, among other things, Zoom, Cisco Webex, Google Meet, the Teamviewer product Blizz, as well as the Microsoft products, Teams, and Skype’s privacy flaws, which “exclude the possibility of lawful use of the service”.

Bastian Benrath

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

As stated in the notice of the authority, it means that the video conference services of companies, authorities and Associations with headquarters in Berlin may only be used, if of the standard terms and conditions deviating agreements with the provider are met. Thus, the conflict between the data protection officer Maja Smoltczyk and the digital companies behind the services in a new round.

The top Berlin open data advocate, had published in the beginning of April, while many employers have sent their employees because of the Corona-crisis to the home office, a guide to secure video conferences, in which, among others, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams, and Skype was warned.

No comprehensive testing

a letter of protest from Microsoft Smoltczyks authority took the guide in the middle of may, first of your Website, to publish a week later, but then almost unchanged. The Review did not result in any alteration of the terms required, as it was then. In the guide, however, was not explained in Detail, what do the services in data protection terms is critical.

On Friday, the authority published a comprehensive Overview of the various services in legal and technical terms, in each case a traffic light is assigned to, declared this, however, only as a result of a short test. “In particular, not a comprehensive technical examination, and the examination of the privacy statement”, – stated in the message.