Many families still know nothing, but on a “family of political oomph to come”. No, it will not pop back to the doors of the school and kindergarten in front of your nose. There are of money. A little bit of effort, but it works, when Minister for the family, Franziska Giffey (SPD) lists the family political favors, to which add the “oomph”. For example, the “reduction of the levy will take to the law on Renewable energies”, what the families of great concern.

Daniel Mohr

editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine week.

F. A. Z.

the bottom line remains the same for families as the core of the economic stimulus programme the Federal government of the “child bonus” of 300 euros per child. This is not little, but in the entire package of this family aspect of just 3 percent.

And before nevertheless, euphoria comes up: Many families will have to pay back the Bonus in the next or the following year. The know who has read the pronouncements of the economic stimulus package exactly. To use it, especially people with lower incomes. In this line of argument matches that of the buyer of at least 65,000 euros, expensive electric cars get 5000 euros from the state, regardless of their income, which is not run by the Federal government in more detail.

Who has to pay how much to return

families at least have to pay back from certain income to the children’s bonus again. Who is the subject exactly, the Matthias Warneke from the German tax-paying institution of the Federal government of the taxpayer for the F. A. Z., of all people. Accordingly, it can keep the full Bonus, who has as a Couple in the year 2020, less than 68,000 euros to taxable income. This is not the gross income. In order to get from gross income to taxable income, advertising costs, special expenses and extraordinary charges deducted. The result of each experiences with its tax return for the year 2020.

From € 68,000-border of the children of bonus of 300 Euro but it is not immediately lost. Who has earned 70,000 euros, you can keep 262 Euro. At 80,000 Euro, there are still 96 Euro. From 85.900 EUR the Bonus will be, henceforth, however – for a child. The Federal Ministry for family Affairs, is expecting similar Figures. In the case of multiple children, the threshold will shift. Families with two children and more than 93.700 Euro taxable income of one of the two bonuses that families with three children, 800 Euro to go from 105 to empty, and with four children of 131.700 Euro.

The Federal Ministry of Finance shall communicate on request of this newspaper, that for the 4.5 million children of the children bonus on the tax return, in whole or in part, again to be repaid. That would be a quarter of the approximately 18 million children’s allowance children. The Ministry of Finance of Refunds on the tax returns of 910 million in the year 2021, and (for the with the late tax returns) of 225 million euros of 2022 from.