The federal government has used Digitalrat. The panel of ten experts is to advise and support Government in implementation of digitisation projects.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had announced Digitalrat as a powerful body with experts from field “who drive us, who ask us uncomfortable questions”. They hope that work of Council will bring many new ideas, “which we as a government can put into practice.”

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This is new Digitalrat of federal government that Kabinett has used today: Ten experts who will drive and support us in Digitalisierung, Chancellor Merkel said. Https://

— Steffen Sally (@RegSprecher) August 22, 2018

According to federal government, four matic areas are focus of Digital Council: expansion of infrastructure for broadband supply and mobile communications, promotion of digital teaching content in schools, improved digital access to public authorities and a General strategy for artificial intelligence. The union had announced establishment of a digital council in its electoral programme for Bundestag election 2017.

The federal government has already formed a so-called Digitalization cabinet Committee. The President of this Committee is chancellor. Permanent members are all federal ministers as well as Minister of State for Digitisation, Minister of Culture and Media and head of press and Information Office of federal Government.

The chairman of new Digital Council is former management consultant Katrin Suder, who worked as secretary of State for Ministry of Defence until March of this year. As a task of Digital Council, it sees it to control changes through digitisation in society and to find solutions for dealing with technological developments: “The effects of digitisation on economy, on world of work, on society, They are already substantial. ” Many areas can be “still very active”, said Suder. We also need to discuss how developments in Germany and Europe – especially in comparison with US and China – are progressing.

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In addition to Suder, several scientists are represented in Digitalrat: among ors, Viktor Mayer-Schönberger of University of Oxford, New York Professor Beth Simone Noveck, who is already government of VonUS-President Barack Obama to build a Digital platform, Harvard professor Urs Gasser and Ada Pellert, rector of distance University of Hagen, advised federal government on questions concerning digitisation.

All members of Digital Council (in alphabetical order):

  • Chris Boos, founder and managing director of Ki-company Arago
  • Prof. Dr. Urs. Gasser, professor at Harvard Law School
  • Stephanie Kaiser, co-founder and managing director of Heartbeat Labs company
  • Iyad Madisch, founder and managing director of research platform ResearchGate
  • Prof. Dr. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, professor of Internet governance at Oxford Internet Institute
  • Prof. Dr. Beth Simone Noveck, professor at Tandon School of Engineering, New York University, chief innovation Officer of State of New Jersey
  • Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Peter Parycek, head of competence center public it of Fraunhofer Institute Fokus
  • Prof. Dr. Ada Pellert, rector of distance University in Hagen
  • Dr. Katrin Suder, chairman of Digital Council
  • Dr. Andreas Weigend, former chief scientist at Amazon and author