Federal agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner has criticised the price of the fight for meat and for animal welfare levy, in order to better housing conditions to co-Finance. “Meat is too cheap,” said the CDU politician of the German press Agency on Saturday.

Fair prices and subsidies enabled tags farmers Coop. “If, however, meat industry and trade press more and more on the price, then the pet owner.” Therefore, it is important to help the farmers, that they could meet the costs for barn conversions.

Klöckner said, you would be in for a welfare levy, which recommends a Commission of experts. “Also for the consumer will have to change something. This meat should be a luxury product for the Rich. But not the everyday junk product.“

A Commission headed by the former agriculture Minister, Jochen Borchert had submitted in February, recommendations to improve animal welfare in livestock husbandry. For the financing it proposes a welfare levy on animal products, but it should be with a view to lower-income households in socio-politically flanked.