so Far, the Germans are known as designated cash fans. With the Corona-crisis in the love is Seem to and coins, however cold. 75 percent of German citizens are currently trying to avoid cash payments as far as possible. 71 percent want more opportunities to contactless payment. The detected by the digital Association, Bitkom, in a representative survey. “There is hardly a pattern of behaviour that has been modified by Corona, much the same as the Pay at the cash register,” says Association President Achim Berg.

Thiemo Heeg

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The reasons for the aversion to cash are at Hand. Many are likely to preoccupy the concern that Banknotes and coins are contaminated by germs. For the money supply competent Bundesbank had tried in mid-March, with a view to the Coronavirus the all-clear. “The probability of using cash, to infect, is lower than in many other objects of daily life”, said at the time the management Board Johannes Beermann. Of Bank notes and coins that are no special risk of infection from the go. Euro banknotes were designed in a way that you soiled in everyday use hardly.

nevertheless, the desire to pay with a card or Smartphone is growing in this country. And not only among young people but also among seniors: 76 per cent of 16 – to 29-Year-olds Express themselves accordingly, and after all, 62 percent of 65-Year-old. Currently, 84 percent of the Younger and 68 percent of the Elderly try to avoid cash payments.