What do NFTs, blockchain and artificial intelligence have to do with books? Quite a lot for John Ruhrmann. The founder of Bookwire used to be looking for talent for the Frankfurt music label 3P. Today, with his company, he ensures that the book industry, which is considered outdated, achieves digitization.

“The pressure to digitize wasn’t as great as in the music industry,” sums up the manager. And yet the industry is catching up.

Ruemann is convinced that blockchain technology and NFTs can turn the book market upside down. A possible application: Bringing limited editions of books onto the market, combined with “special content and special skills,” says Ruhrmann. This could be a meeting with the author, for example, which is sold directly with the digital book.

“It’s all about a blockchain application. And those are solutions that we’re striving for. Or funding opportunities through tokens, so that you can help authors get enough money together to do certain projects.” Ruhrmann sells these digital originals with its “Creatokia” project.