parents with tears in the eyes, problems with motivation when Homeschooling and lack of computer technology: the state of Hesse head of the government, Volker Bouffier has made on Thursday in Riedstadt for the first time since the outbreak of the Corona-crisis, a picture of site problems. In the Martin-Niemöller-Schule, the CDU had politicians at the beginning of his “insight”Tour Hygiene concepts to explain, and spoke with teachers, parents and students. And he also hope that after the summer holidays can be offered in August at the schools of the country back to normal teaching, full class rooms with the regular number of hours.

could not give A warranty for it but said Bouffier. “We are trying very hard to come back after the summer holidays, in the normal classroom,” said Bouffier. This was, however, subject to the further development of the Corona pandemic.

With the outbreak of the Corona pandemic was set at Hesse schools in mid-March, the regular lessons. Have had to learn the student home. After the Easter holidays, successively year returned corridors to the classroom in the classroom, but only in groups and on individual days. Next Monday will now be in the elementary schools, the daily classroom lessons resumed. However, the parents can decide whether their child goes to school or lessons at home learn. The summer holidays in Hesse begin at 6. In July, the first day of school in the new academic year the 17. August.

“resentment, there is the issue of digitalisation”

Bouffier, the problems listened to. “Resentment, there is the issue of digitalisation,” said the headmaster, Martin Buhl, the head of government. Parents had been provided a Computer and printer available, but would have had no Internet connection. The Server-capacity of the school were too low. Teacher Daniela Muth told that parents with tears in the eyes in the door because they were coping with the whole organization. Students reported problems with motivation when Learning at home. “In the school, is to listen and forced to work for themselves,” said student Kim. The worst was the self-discipline.