Mr al-Saeed, as a Marketing Director in the Ministry of culture and tourism, you realize together with the UFC cage fights on Yas, an isolated island off Abu Dhabi. Why?

Alexander Davydov

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

We have a good partnership with the UFC. The last combat sports event on this island was a huge success for both sides. the Us, it became clear that such an Event draws the attention on Abu Dhabi as a safe and luxurious travel destination for visitors. And by that I mean not only Fans. It was a great PR move for us.

In times of Corona, in the many sports leagues have canceled their events, the UFC on the Offensive. For months there have been rumours about fights on a private island far away from the pandemic. How it was that the choice finally fell on Abu Dhabi?

As the President of the UFC, Dana White, in April in search of a venue for his fights went, in search of a “Fight Island” was, as we have recognized that this could actually only find here, instead. Thanks to our resources and the extent of state support was soon clear to us that if such a project could be realized, then at us.

Were you ever in doubt as to whether this is even possible?

In Abu Dhabi, anything is possible. We had to develop the infrastructure on Yas. The biggest challenge however, was to isolate the island completely, in order to guarantee the safety and health of the athletes and our staff. For this, we have approximately 10,000 corona tests.

have you Had measures in the examples of the preparation of the Safety?

I think that our concept of Hygiene, the use of Tests and quarantine similar to what is practiced in many other countries. What sets us apart, however, is the smooth cooperation between several institutions and partners, in order to enable this Event. The support of our government, the cooperation with the national airline Etihad Airways, which is flying the fighters and staff in specially designated machines in the United Arab Emirates, and the agreement with the operator of our airport is one. The Ministry of health helped us, as well as the police. More than 20 different institutions are involved.

A high effort for an event that can be seen only on pay-TV…

If we had not believed from the start that it’s worth it, believe me, we would not have made the effort. We go very strategically in what we do. Our government has given us the direction, after it has recognized the value of this project. Abu Dhabi brings well-deserved attention. We can already see this now with the media interest, and the resonance on the Social media, the “Fight Island” to retreat to. We also show that Abu Dhabi is ready for visitors, ready for sporting Events as a safe venue and safe travel destination. We are proud to show it to, what is in spite of the pandemic is feasible.