The “late career” to the rule instead of the exception? Also Susanne Garsoffky and Britta the best clubs in town used to dream, as they made some time ago with your book “The Everything is possible-lie” to “fun spoiling inside”, because they represented the Thesis: family and career are compatible, the Stress in the middle phase of life is too high. In order for you to eckten in some pretty. The writing Duo is not arguing for a return to the old Housewives a model, but argued for a Succession of family and career. The only question is: Where is that? In which operating in which industry you can, even after extended families – and part-time work in more Mature years to start?

large companies from a divorce rather. There is a rise of decisions in a very early stage, namely after the first three years of employment, have found the sociologist Hermann Kotthoff and Alexandra Wagner, a few years ago out. “Late career almost impossible,” was the headline in the Hans-Böckler – Foundation. And yet there is a sector in which almost everything is, even in later years still possible: care.

“A Benefit” of care

“The rise in care is often not until much later, so towards the end of the forty,” said Andrea koehn, the founder and Head of careers in the health care specialist Munich-based recruitment consultancy Köhn & Kollegen. Many of the female nursing staff would only in later years of life really like to get a career when the kids are out of the Woods to be out, or out of the house and you had time, by a course of study to qualify. The average age of participants of occupational courses in the area of nursing or health management is high, estimates you.

you look at the CVS of people who have originally started in a nursing career, then it seems that the Potential is varied. As a residential area, nursing services, or Director of the Home, from the nurse not infrequently, a quality supervisor, school Director or Director of Nursing. And the nurse rises to the care of scientists, head of school, Director, teacher, Coach, or Mediator. A geriatric nurse is a business coach, or Director of the Home, and a nurse can become Secretary of state, has Andreas West coat house, of the Agents of the Federal government for care.

,” says Andrea koehn, you can also make it in a more Mature age career – especially as a woman. It is only important to remain in the family always “on the Ball” and to work at least part-time. Many started in the forties with work-study opportunities. The give “rise and self-consciousness” and enable career moves, in other Professions, in this age, hardly gelängen.