In the year 2014 founded Microsoft’s Initiative ID@Xbox. With her video game developers from the Independent sector funded, that is, those that normally work without the support of big Studios in the back with small Teams. According to Microsoft, have released in this way about 4000 developers more than 1500 games for the PC or the Xbox console, the $ 1.5 billion the company has invested for it. Chris Charla heads up the Initiative as the Senior Director and speaks in the Interview about the program and the Situation of game developers today.


Mr Charla, what kind of Play is encouraged at Microsoft?

Us is, above all, diversity is important. We are on the lookout for a specific set of criteria, we support the people behind the Games. The has so far managed regularly to titles, we can imagine previously would not have and in the end, that there are offerings for every type of players.

you Can make currently, however, Trends?

this is A Trend that we have observed in the last three to five years, is that more and more games are heavily influenced on a regional basis. So as you can see in the nineties, to be able to say “This Band sounds like L. A., the other to New York,” the today Play. In some you can immediately sense that they were developed in Melbourne or Seattle. I find this very exciting.

As a German game feels?

To Germany, a spontaneously occurs to me just that, from there, just a lot of exciting Adventure Games to come.

they were even more than ten years of developer. How has the work changed in the last five to ten years?

The biggest change is the wide access to the Game Development Kits for the consoles (note. d. Red.: Hardware that is needed for the development of certain game consoles) and developers-Software. When I started, you had to be very well versed with technology, and artistically gifted. Today, most of the developers and Developers can draw on existing technology, the hurdles become much smaller. You have to be a technology expert any more.

How will it affect the games?

It has democratised the development process, it can be easy to tell a lot more people to share their stories with video games. Previously, you had to live in a big city and know someone who knew someone in the console production. Of course, there are still improve things, but today almost anyone can develop a game that is talented and willing to work hard. Therefore, a much greater range of voices to speak, and that is wonderful.