Among American Christians, there is the Slogan “What would Jesus do?”: What would Jesus do? When a difficult decision is imminent, try to make a theological extrapolation and let Jesus take the helm. Similar can be observed if now, in view of the anti-racist is prompted protests by reflex: What would Martin Luther King?

America’s reminder of the political claim to the civil rights movement is non-partisan. More than 950 of the streets are named after Martin Luther King, since 1986, he has his own holiday. As Donald 2017 Trump with his Holiness Pope Francis met, he gave the Church the head of a Box-Set with Kings writings. The cover, gold decorated, bore the seal of the President.

But only since this spring, King has to serve also to the discrediting of activists. Republican Mike Huckabeee said 2015, that King would have been on the “Black Lives Matter” probably “horrified”. As of 2016, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile by police officers were shot and protesters in Atlanta, a highway blocked, said mayor Kasim Reed: “Dr. King would never occupy a highway” – what is this, had done in Selma, however, on several occasions.