think of A provocative performance by the cabaret artist Florian Schroeder on the “cross”-Demo in Stuttgart, has drawn in the net a lot of attention. Schroeder came to own the information on Saturday to the stage, to “the limits of their freedom of expression” to the test. For his first Utterances of the forty-year-old got applause, as a Video shows, the Schroeder used in his own Youtube channel: “My Name is Schroeder, and I’m out of the Mainstream,” he says, and: “You told me, here in Stuttgart, is freedom.”

But the enthusiasm of the audience decreases. First of all, the comedian overwhelmed some with References to Hegel’s dialectic, then he asks if we are “life in a Corona-dictatorship”. After a many-voiced “Yes” from the crowd, the comedian argued: “If we had some Form of dictatorship, then you should you not gather, then you should not are.”

on the question: “do you Want total freedom of expression?” is heard from the audience a loud “Yes” to. Then Schroeder says: “I am of the opinion that Corona is a highly dangerous, contagious disease, and I am Convinced that wear a Mask and keep their distance the most Important and Best thing we can do in these days.” For this, he garners Boos and pushes afterwards: “If you’re for freedom of expression, you’ll have to endure my opinion.”