The sight is like a battle field. Between the sawed-off Branches, geborstenem wood and bark, only the tree protruding stumps out of the ground. The ground under your feet crunches with each step, the Crack is listen to the dead Branches. Until two months ago was still dense spruce forest, tells Ralf Bördner, head of the local forest office. Wiesbaden-Chaussee of the house. “I think, at the end of the year, the spruce will not be available next to it,” he says, pointing to the trees at the edge of the bald area.

Svea Young

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

if you Look at the network of fine lines on the inner side of the bark, it quickly becomes clear who is responsible: the voracious bark beetles. In normal years, the spruce is defending itself against only a few millimeters large pest, by forming resin. The tree suffers from a lack of water is disturbed, this natural defense mechanism. As in the previous two years, this summer in many Parts of Germany it is too dry. Although it is not raining in many regions common, also it is in many places quite so hot. But the amounts of rain are not enough to to into the deeper layers of soil to penetrate. The floor is dusty, the parched undergrowth. Pests have an easy game.

“is The bark beetle dynamics of madness,” says Forester Bördner. “We make for the end of 2018, basically nothing more than bugs to run.” In order to reduce the spread, must be brought to the infested trees quickly from the forest, because after six weeks of hatching from the larvae of the new beetle and pounce on the surrounding trees. However, this is often easier said than done, in many cases there is a lack of machinery and labour to fell the trees. And even if it manages to remove the wood quickly, is not saying that also find a customer for it.

profit is no longer something that is often left if leaving the wood at all to settle, says Bördner and points to the numerous piles with tree trunks, the so-called Polter, line the forest trail. Since it is also understandable that forest owners considered increasingly as to whether they should cause the wood still harvest, and cost, just to have it lying on the edge of the forest.