Russian President Vladimir Putin reigns with his secret service minions and sport friends more and more like a Tsar. The new feudal lords establish their dynasties, is quite welcomed. The son of Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin, the twenty-first awarded thirty-year-old Ivan Sechin, the searches in the Oil company of his father to new Deposits in the Arctic, was because of his merits me.

Kerstin Holm.

editor in the features section.

F. A. Z.

The new Constitution, the powers of the Keys of the presidents of parliamentary control more decoupled, free power, Putin is now the way for a further two terms of office. Of his two daughters, for safety reasons, but also to the larger independence for the sake of other names have adopted, he hopes, apparently, that they bring in spite of, not least by its policy caused flight of intellectual capital of Russian technologies to the world. He will then return to you with great financial and infrastructural resources.

Russian genetic engineering is to be a world leader

Putin’s first-born, the thirty-five year old biomes dizinerin Maria Vorontsova, co-owner of the company Nomeko to be built in St. Petersburg, a research clinic, where new genetic technologies, and nuclear medical methods are to be implemented. Last year, Vorontsova by the President was taken-Ukas in the Federal Council of the national science program for genetic engineering, wants to build jointly with the Kurchatov Institute for physics and nuclear engineering, a new research Institute for genetic engineering. The project, in the Igor Sechin’s Rosneft, two hundred million dollars a year to invest, to lead to the declared will of the government of the Russian genetic engineering up to the year 2027 in the world, and the dependence of foreign Gene decrease databases.

Vladimir Putin has referred to genetic engineering as a future science, which will is so important, as it is the nuclear or space technology in the twentieth century. His daughter is some as an authority in questions of bioethics. The previous autumn she discussed with scientists and health policy-makers about the experiments of the Geneticist Denis Rebrikow that claims to be able to Embryos genetically manipulate. The state-funded Vorontsova should have explained, the scientific progress, while not stop, however, interventions in the human genome are likely to never be private actors allowed, but would have to take place under the control of the state.

the genome of the Russians

One of the main projects to be launched under the Aegis of the new Institute later this year, is the examination of the “genome of the Russians” on specific pathogenic vulnerabilities, which may be therapeutically manipulated. To the purpose of genes be genetic Material of hundreds of thousands of people gathered, mainly from Rosneft employees. The Geneticist of the pathetic under-funded Academy of Sciences, Svetlana Borinskaja, criticized the nebulous tasks and notes, a genetic database was not set up without international cooperation and in-kind imports, the military-oriented Kurchatov was Institute as a Partner to be unsuitable.

The second child of the President of the thirty-three-year-old Katerina Tichonowa, has a degree in applied mathematics and will lead to their Alma Mater, Moscow state University MGU, the Institute for Artificial intelligence, which is to be opened this year. But above all, it directs Innopraktika, the development Institute of the MGU, the designed a technology Campus. Innopraktika organizes conferences and has written the networking of Russian technical innovations, with the economy and the growth of national intellectual capital on the flags.