A bad word. It resides normally in the world of Finance, where it is the musty and darkest. You should use it if you borrow it, just with quotes. Also, you ask the Wrong one. The System speaks for itself. Or, rather, It has spoken, the matter is by.

three months Ago, at the peak of the first pandemic wave, were drawn up the lists, which specify which professional groups belong to the “critical infrastructure” of our country and thus as “system relevant”, especially protecting and worth saving and which are not. The Federal government Commissioner for culture and media, Monika Grütters, included the media in the list of “system-relevant” occupational groups, it excluded the area of culture. She explained, on the one hand: “the culture of reporting is relevant to the system.” She acknowledged, on the other hand, culture is “vital”. I was not the Only one who found this distinction confusing. Good to know, that, if one writes a cultural report instead of at the end of a music column, to have something to protect contractually provides value. But I don’t understand why the musicians I write about, protect as well or even a lot of good shooters should be.

For example: the soprano Asmik Grigorian, who sang yesterday in the rock riding school “Chrysothemis” in spite of all that. Or the Pianist Igor Levit, the streamed fifty-two house concerts in deplorable audible, but heart-moving circumstances, and up to thirty thousand followers, a few servings of contemporary music rejoiced. Or: conductor Marcus Bosch, the processed, the health authorities so long persistently and, in cooperation with a generous Biotech company, also hygiene logistically convinced that five days ago for the first time a full orchestra on stage played in Germany since the beginning of the disease to a turning point: in front of an audience, with a large Repertoire, without the distancing and plexiglass in between, live.

The damage is gigantic ends

the lock, shining Salzburg in the Short festival, which began yesterday evening, with Straussens “Elektra” in front of thousands of spectators, the orchestra musicians regularly, and the audience is properly sorted. As long as the music plays, cares for you in the case of classical music anyway, to give off no aerosols, a festival house is not a ball man, not even the bridge and the beach at the Wolfgangsee, the worrying, the nearest, fresh Corona-Hotspot in the Salzburger Land. Note: tourism and transport is an economic factor. Keyword: “System Relevance”. This is not much different in Austria than in Germany.