what is your experience of the corona Employees in crisis? What’s on your mind basically, and as well work in a home office work? A long-term study of the TU Darmstadt, is to be questioned since the end of March on a weekly basis the participants to understand the developments. Now the first interim results from the data of 414 German office workers and 556 from America. Above all, the state of the economy, the health of others, as well as a possible second wave of Infection, prepare all the respondents. Basically, Ensure that the Americans are larger, particularly with a view to one’s own health or a possible political instability.

Benjamin Fischer

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The work from home is, in the meantime. More than every second German Interviewee to be in a home office happier and more relaxed than in the office. To work after the crisis only in the home office can think of, the survey has also found that more than half. However, studies such as mushrooms shoot to this question, currently from the floor to the statements on the subject of “the home office for always” are opposed to the part diametrically.

The productivity suffers at least substantially under the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. The work from the home office, according to the respondents, in both countries, however, at the Moment the best solution. Around 70 percent of the usual productivity reached you, therefore, from home. To go in-between solutions, such as for one or two days per week in the office, are the inferior option.

“Unclear guidelines in company, hygiene regulations and the permanent change in the office to inhibit the employees”, says Ruth Stock-Homburg, a Professor of Marketing and personnel management and the Director of the study.

Worrying signs among the self-employed

A main focus of research is on the psychological effects of the crisis, and in particular the dangers of a so-called Boreouts. Including Stock-Homburg boredom at work and the resulting Frustration, not to be required, as well as a “development and crisis of meaning is understood”. Add to this the uncertainty about the professional future, to fight with the result of the pandemic, according to the currently almost every third has. Every Fifth was bored of his Job.

The easing of the past few weeks have shown here so far, very little effect, as Stock-Homburg. “A crisis of meaning, a lack of development opportunities and the fear of the future that can predispose them to depression”, she warns. Among the respondents are self-employed there is so worrying signs.