For Covid-19-loan-scammers no one has understanding. Neither in the circle of friends and the law enforcement authorities. And certainly not the Federal Council, has stamped with the banks and the national Bank on the night of the program with the loans out of the ground.

Since the 26. March can apply for companies in financial distress with your home Bank a Covid-19-credit. “I’m going to assume that people who have a company and put all your assets in this company are honest so that you don’t want to pull the state on the table,” said Finance Minister Ueli Maurer (69) at that time.

And yet: The Corona-immediate assistance is utilized by hundreds! Not in all cantons. But there are millions to be the predominantly small Farms, an important support in the Corona-crisis.

a VIEW of demand in all 26 cantons, whether the confidence of the Minister of Finance is justified in the citizens. The answers come promptly, and the message is crystal clear: to Cheat in times of Corona is a no-go! Therefore, the authorities take a very close look.

comment by Ulrich Rotzinger to fraud with Corona loans

the Canton of Zurich at the top

The conclusion of the survey: The law enforcement authorities to determine, in 132 cases, on suspicion of Covid-19-credit. The total sum of the presumed ertrogenen loans amounted to nearly 13 million Swiss francs. However, this is a very rough and rather conservative estimate.

For comparison: To date, the banks and the Federal 128’616 Corona have awarded loans and a total of almost 15.3 billion Swiss francs paid out. Most of the money should be invested in the cantons with a large economic power. Because here the need for financial survival AIDS is greatest. No wonder, then, that the Canton of Zurich tops the list of fraud cases.

The Canton of Zurich police force has taken, in close cooperation with the Prosecutor’s office in about 30 cases, the investigations. Were already arrested several people temporarily, and even house to house searches carried out. The total damage cannot yet be precisely assessed. He, however, amounts to several million Swiss francs.

about 15 cases are investigated. It is obtained by fraud in loans in the amount of approximately 4 million Swiss francs. In a particularly stark case, funds have been moved abroad.

Lucerne Here will be examined in the Moment of 12 cases due to possible fraud with respect to Corona loans. To offence the sum of the Canton of the absence of information.

Currently 11 cases in investigation. The alleged offence, the amount ranges from 30’000 to 500’000 Swiss francs per individual case.

10 cases, the Canton determined the total estimated tort to a limit of half a Million francs.

10 cases are pending, the Offence amounts to around one Million francs.

The Prosecutor’s office reports 8 attempts at fraud in connection with the award of 11 Covid-19-loans and relates to a tort a total of between several Thousand and several tens of thousands of francs.

Here is calculated in 7 cases. Information on the amount of damage power of the Canton, no.

The Canton of reports 6 cases with a suspected offence total sum of approximately 260’000 Swiss francs.

Here is 6 procedure to run due to suspicion of fraud. It is a question of loans between 30’000 and 145 000 francs.

The Canton is currently in 5 criminal with a total offense total of about 170’000 Swiss francs.

The Prosecutor’s office is currently in 4 cases, a criminal case with the offence amounts once 470’000 Swiss francs and three times, respectively, under 100’000 Swiss francs.

The authorities are investigating 3 suspected cases. It comes to borrowing of a total of around 1.5 million Swiss francs.

Here is 2 processes to run. It comes to several tens of thousands of francs.

The Canton of reports 2 method without more detailed information on the amount of the sums involved.

Just 1 , in which case, in the case of a loan in the amount of 50’000 Swiss francs a few days before the bankruptcy of the company was applied for.

In the following 10 cantons has up to now not a single case of Covid-19-credit-fraud uncovered: Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Appenzell Innerrhoden, Glarus, Jura, neuchâtel, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Schaffhausen, Solothurn and Uri.

these are the most common trickery

Particularly fond of cheating the revenue. Because the higher the turnover, the higher the credit. In addition, the use of the credit is clearly regulated. Until this is paid, shall be distributed no dividends or funds are moved abroad. No other loans with the may be paid by the Federal government guaranteed return.

anyone Who is caught cheating with Covid-19-credit risk hefty penalties: penalties range from a fine to a maximum of seven years imprisonment.

The Federal lists 621 flashy credit applications are currently being reviewed by the guarantee organizations. These include the VIEWS that have been researched and confirmed 132 cases of abuse.

How SMEs Covid-19-credit

Quickly and easily small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) to get credit when you need due to the Corona-crisis money. This is how it works: SMEs are in need of a Covid-19-credit (so the official designation of the Corona-loans), complete the loan application on the dedicated website of the Federal government. The printed and signed application the company sent to you by E-Mail or letter to the Bank. The Bank shall verify the agreement. This is complete, transferred the money directly from the Bank to the account of the company. In addition, the Bank forwards the credit agreement by the Federal government recognised guarantee organisations. Applications for a Covid-19-loan can still may 31. July will be provided. All the Details are there on this website