the Corona-silence like mildew As about our country, held a large part of our industry for a Moment. Inevitably. How could we respond otherwise? The safety of our employees and Entrusted to was: of the actress to the production driver, from the Moderator to the mask. As producers and station representatives, we wanted to endanger anyone in front of or behind the camera.

the us television makers in Germany, compared to colleagues of other countries well. We were also able to result in the most severe weeks of the epidemic outbreak, the majority of Studio productions, and to bring millions of people home a spark of ease and distraction, in an uncertain everyday. And we were able to start turning thanks to the close coordination with the Federal Ministry of labour, the professional associations and the local health offices by the end of may again. The Hygiene and distance concept as the decisive prerequisite for a partnership is work. It was developed under decisive participation of the producers Alliance as the umbrella organization of the German Film and television producers, in close coordination with the authorities and with the courageous support of the German TV stations.

It is this solidarity and partnership between producers, broadcasters and the public, to our colleagues envy in other countries and ultimately has led to the fact that we can turn around again. So, is everything in order? No, it is an important piece of the puzzle is still missing. Because all of the current productions of life with the sword of Damocles of a renewed pandemic outbreak, whether national or regional, as happened in the last few days at various points in Europe. How we deal in the coming days and weeks with this sword of Damocles, will shape the future and the diversity of the German production and Television industry significantly.

The German production landscape is driven by small and medium-sized enterprises; their strength lies in the fact that the Creative have the freedom to Express their visions. In their economic condition, many German producers are, however, from the project business dependent: they produce one or two programs a year. Your equity is often thin. Of a lot of fat, you will not be able to draw on in the worst case, even after the months of the Corona-crisis. For the eventuality of a loss of Production, the variety, the production company is not ready plain and simple.

And those risks may also collect, in particular, is organised by private business channel no longer. Noticeably hit by the massive slump in the advertising industry in the second quarter, the transmitter of solidarity, a large part of the displacement and demolition costs of the first Corona-shaft worn. These regulations will be phased out, because they are no longer in perspective, simply affordable. For beyond wear the transmitter next to your production budget is currently also the additional costs to the producers due to strict quarantine and hygiene conditions. And that the broadcasters want to hold on to in these economically difficult times, on the engagement of their productions as much as possible, given the current situation anything other than a matter of course.

In this Situation, only a public-sector guaranteed default Fund can help, because the insurance industry self-closes so far to a solution. Examples from other major television markets such as the UK or neighbours, such as Austria, quickly and pragmatically implemented, can help to show the way. The us by Minister of state Monika Grütters announced fifty million euros are a solid Signal.