The meat company Tönnies will have to adhere to the view of Federal Minister for employment, Hubertus Heil (SPD) for the Coronavirus outbreak in North Rhine-Westphalia, the circle of goods to pay damages. “There has to be a civil liability of the company,” said salvation on Sunday night. The group had taken with violations of the Corona-rules “an entire Region hostage”.

In the”picture”-Internet show “The right questions”, said salvation, his confidence in the company, tönnies was “equal to Zero”. The group have not only endangered its own employees, but the “public health”. The “displeasure” in the district of Gütersloh on the company he could understand “good”. Currently, the General output constraints for the circle in the room. An area-wide Lockdown was not to exclude “in the Moment”, had NRW said Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) on Sunday.

Laschet no longer includes Lockdown from

Laschet underscore in the “Today Journal” of the ZDF on Sunday night, again, he could not exclude the possibility of a regional Lockdown – this refers to the massive shutdown of public life. “We have closed the schools and day-care centres, this is the first part of the lock downs. And we will consider further steps in these days.“ He said: “I could imagine that we adopt, contact restrictions, also, as in the Lockdown have been.”

the authorities have not, to Date, on a Lockdown in the district of Gütersloh. Laschet had argued on Sunday, the Infection was clear in the case of the company Tönnies localizable, and there is no “significant Jump” in the population.

In the mass Corona-the outbreak particularly affected district of the Tests continue to go this Monday. Once again, mobile Teams are supposed to do in the cities and municipalities members of Tönnies-compromise Household employees and you provide them with support. After Sunday’s 32 of these Teams were in action, will be increased, the number of which on Monday, said a spokeswoman for the circle.