Amazed by Simone Claar in the past few months, often. About about how quickly it suddenly worked with the home office. “Without Corona, we have fought for years about”, believes the political scientist, the Director of the University of Kassel is a young group. Similar Daniela Mehler-Würzbach, a consultant experienced in the Central administration of the University of Frankfurt. “In 2018, it took a year and a half, until I had brought through my request to telework.” In the crisis, but the switch worked on the service to remotely “fast as lightning”.

Sascha Zoske

sheet-makers in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

Claar and Mehler-Würzbach its balance sheet, the exception semester, also on behalf of other Workers from non-professorial academic staff and University administrations: Both are involved in the education and science trade Union (GEW) and learn as a group representative, a lot about the working conditions in the “new normal”. In one respect, they share the conclusion of the high school President: It’s gone better than expected. “In April I would have thought that you can bring the Semester to the end,” says Claar. “With the commitment of colleagues and a number of Overtime it was then.” But: “You can’t do this again and expect the colleagues to support it.”

Clearer rules for home-based work required

in the face of rising infection numbers, and the prospect of having to also in the winter semester of large parts of the teaching and administrative operations, from the distance, cope with, see the trade Union inside the universities, in some respects, is not optimally prepared. Above all, they are calling for clear rules for classroom and home-based work, greater consideration to the needs of the child care, more protection for at-risk groups and better Information by superiors.

Mehler-Würzbach has been disturbed, for example, the fact that it is not always clear whether, when an Employee is entitled to mobile Working, home office, or even have position. Often, such questions had been resolved by “individual negotiation processes”. Apparently such discussions were not always satisfactory solutions – assuming that it ever took place, a dialogue between a boss and employee. At the Goethe-Uni it should have a case given in the an Institute Secretary was forced to the presence service, even though they belong to a risk group.

“number of hours per week for teaching

Claar reduce” also looks with concern that the additional loads through the use of digital teaching and Reorganisation of the administrative and bustle of some of the employees to self-exploitation. “I know of colleagues that have a 50-percent-as a lecturer for special tasks, but in reality, 100 percent work.” Also in front of the Corona the like may be occurred, but in the view of the WT-representatives of more effort exacerbated for virtual Lectures, the Problem. Claar says the Ministry of science would have to adjust the teaching load regulation so that the number of semester hours that are needed for events, is reduced. “So more time would remain to Lectures or seminars to prepare adequately.”

From the Uni-lines, in turn, the trade Union want the inside sometimes, a more aggressive communication. Mehler-Würzbach, the communication practice of your President, Birgitta Wolff praises otherwise, as “quickly and transparently”, would like to be more informed by E-Mail about the current rules. So far, the need to retrieve such information on the Intranet, which meant that some of the doctoral students have to be of your heads on the news have pointed out.