in the face of widespread criticism of the meat-production in Germany, the Federal Minister of agriculture, Julia Klöckner (CDU) about the consequences of want advice. In doing so, better conditions in stables and slaughterhouses, but also to higher prices in the supermarket.

In Düsseldorf, Germany, Klöckner, download your of North Rhine-Westphalia Mrs Ursula Heinen-Esser (CDU) and the lower Saxony Department chief Barbara Otte-Kinast (CDU) to a “industry conversation”. Here, representatives from animal holders, meat – and food industry, trade, the Federal cartel office, veterinarians, and consumers.

the Corona-outbreaks in battle back changes operated in the entire food chain in the view. SPD parliamentary group Deputy Matthias Miersch said, “we need a better legal framework for human and animal-are finally.” The current System of meat production create too many losers – the Employees of the meat industry would be miserably paid, farmers could not live from their work, animals would not be kept appropriate to the species. Miersch called for clear criteria for the stables, the animal welfare and climate protection into account and farmers to plan.

For animal welfare submission

Klöckner is now campaigning for a welfare levy, which could be added to meat and other animal products. This is also a Commission of experts of the Ministry recommends that, to assist farmers in Financing of barn conversions. Conceivable premiums of 40 cents per kilogram of meat and sausage, and 2 cents per Kilo for milk and fresh dairy products were obviously on a consumption tax.

FDP parliamentary group Deputy Frank Sitta called for the restructuring of the animal husbandry needed to go forward. “A kind of animal welfare-solos would make farmers, but only dependent from the state,” he said. Instead of fruitless round tables and lazy price discussions, the coalition would have to quickly create market – based facilitation for animal welfare stalls in the building and emission rights. Also necessary is a binding EU-wide animal was probably the label, the consumers show reliably, how an animal was kept.