the effects of The Corona pandemic are forcing more and more employees in Germany to make concessions. So in the flight attendants ‘ Union Ufo organized employees of Deutsche Lufthansa have agreed to the austerity package with a large majority. Like Ufo announced at the weekend, voted 87.9 percent for the crises of the collective agreement.

Kerstin Schwenn

business correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

With the pilots of Lufthansa has reached, however, no agreement; the negotiations with the trade Union Verdi for the ground staff had been canceled on Thursday even. Lufthansa had estimated after the slump of the global air transport through the Corona of their surplus personnel to 22,000 full-time, of which 11,000 in Germany.

the 22,000 flight attendants zero rounds, work time reduction and a temporary reduction in the pension to get now. In return, they are protected until mid-2024 prior to the terminations. Without the agreement, the 2600 had to be deleted in the cabin. Important details of the embodiment but are discuss. Ufo-managing Director Nicoley Baublies demanded by the company promptly to make concrete proposals. A later work, the fight is not completely excluded.

“So it can afford to the employees,”

In the case of the Deutsche Bahn on Monday, early collective bargaining negotiations. You were supposed to meet in may in the “Alliance for employment” between the group, the Federal government and the ECG in the face of billions of losses of the railway; in fact, the contracts run until the end of February 2021. The train drivers ‘ Union GDL is not in the round. GDL-boss Claus Weselsky warned of a “Pact for everyone” and called for a reduction in the administration.

As compensation for the billions in Federal grants for the relief of the pandemic, the railway are the consequences of savings in personnel of around 2 billion euros by 2024 announced. The current “setting offensive” should not suffer but also make it not to give removal.

The IG Metall promotes meanwhile, for a Four-day week to save jobs in the metal and electrical industry. “The Four-day week would be the answer to the structural change in industries such as the automotive industry. So that industrial jobs hold, instead of you to write off,” said the First Chairman of the trade Union, Jörg Hofmann, the “süddeutsche Zeitung”.