The Deutsche Bahn has corrected its profit planning. After continuing problems in freight transport, this year only a operating profit of 2.1 billion euros instead of 2.2 billion euros was expected, company shared. In first half of 2018, sales rose by two percent to 21.5 billion euros, but interest and tax profit (EBIT) fell by 17 percent to 974 million euros.

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In addition to poorly running freight traffic, result was burdened by severe wear. In addition, railway would have invested 100 million euros in order to make trains more punctual. This was also necessary: in first half of year, not even every eighth train was punctual.

The railway has been trying to rehabilitate its daughter goods line DB Cargo for years. Yet it makes losses again. The transport performance in sector decreased by 6.7 percent.

On or hand, passenger numbers in rail passenger transport are considerable. The company recorded 70.9 million passengers in long-distance traffic with ice and IC, which was 3.8 percent more than in first half of year 2017. According to Richard Lutz, railway is key to a successful climate and traffic turnaround for more and more people Bahnchef.