Daimler has to recall 238,000 vehicles in Germany due to improper shutdown devices during exhaust gas cleaning. This was shared by Federal Minister of Communication Andreas Scheuer (CSU) after a discussion with Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche. In total, 774,000 vehicles were affected in Europe. The company announced that it would implement recall, but at same time appealed. “Open legal questions are still being clarified in opposition proceedings”, group informed.

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Representatives of Ministry and of Daimler would have “negotiated intensively and for hours”, said Scheuer following meeting. He was “glad” to be able to tell that recall was being ordered. The car manufacturer has stated that “Maximum processing speed and co-operative transparency with authorities will eliminate applications in engine control that are contested by federal Government”.

In words of Zetsche, Daimler does not have to pay a fine for cars ordered for recall. In response to question of wher former transport minister, Andreas Scheuer, was threatened with an order of 5,000 euros per vehicle, Zetsche replied after meeting with Minister: “Yes.” The manufacturer will now immediately take care of software with which diesel cars are to comply with nitrogen oxide limit values.

In addition to already recalled Van Vito, vehicles concerned included C-class models and SUV GLC. Daimler has agreed to eliminate disputed functions as soon as possible in cooperation with Federal Motor Vehicle Office (KBA).

Left criticizes missing criminal consequences

Scheuer had ordered Zetsche at end of May to a crisis meeting after KBA ordered recall of about 4,900 copies of Mercedes van Vito due to an improper shut-off device during exhaust gas purification. The office also examined or models. Until this Monday, it should be clarified how many vehicles offending software functions are used in. According to previous view of Daimler, however, se are not inadmissible, which group wants to clarify in court and refore announced opposition to Vito recall notice.

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The left criticised that re were “no criminal consequences for car industry from ongoing diesel scandal.” The federal government let industry “go through all mass fraud with impunity”, left-traffic expert Ingrid Remmers shared with. In doing so, she had “legal basis to oblige industry to retrofit hardware and to make fines”.

Previously, representation of Daimler staff had already criticized group’s top. “We are currently seeing in all our works that confidence is diminishing with every new message,” said chairman of works council of engine plant in Untertürkheim in Stuttgart, Wolfgang Nieke, Stuttgart news and Stuttgart Zeitung. The greatest concern of workforce is “that re is much more to come to table than previously known about exhaust gas.”

Zetsche said at beginning of diesel scandal “that we are not deceived”, Nieke continued. “That’s what workers left.” Since n, however, authorities have been targeting more and more engines from Daimler.

The diesel scandal came into being through admission of Volkswagen to have installed an illegal software for manipulating exhaust gas values in about eleven million diesel cars of different brands worldwide. Since n, more and more car manufacturers have been targeted.