Besides Tesla are likely to have large manufacturers such as Toyota, VW, GM or Honda breathed a sigh of relief, as James Dyson (73) announced last October, officially, the end of his much-publicized electric car project Dyson EV. Although the drive technology is already far advanced and the Design of the five-Meter long SUV with seven seats was the interior and exterior already done, saw the British billionaire no Chance to bring his electric vehicle at a competitive price on the market. The calculated price of at least 150’000 Euro is too high to be able to against international competition.

a Long time it had looked as if the since 2014 developed electric car would be the next Dyson success story. Similar to that of Elon Musk (48) and Tesla. Experts doubted, however, because if Dyson can bring “only” about 2.5 billion Euro investment in a short time, a production and a competitive electric car on the world market.

Inexperienced suppliers

in Addition, the development of the Dyson E-vehicle was without appreciable Intervention of a large automotive supplier in England, and later the electric SUV should be produced in Singapore. Only car experts, it’s not for lack of Dyson. People like the longtime Aston Martin chief engineer Ian Minards, or Ian Robertson, the sales for ten years, the Board of management at BMW, key positions in the development of the occupied last.

24-inch wheels, 800 km range

What should be offered to the Dyson EV? Gigantic 24-Inch Wheels. “For lower rolling resistance and better against potholes,” said James Dyson. Thanks to the almost 3,30 Meter long Wheelbase and a 150-kWh battery pack could bring in the car’s floor, which allowed for a range of over 800 kilometers. Powered test models of two E-motors on the front and rear axles with 199 kW (270 HP) of power. The acceleration of the 2.6-ton electric colossus in less than five seconds on Tempo 100 and on to 200 km/h top.

“Based on our year-long experience with the Dyson Digital Motor technology, we have developed a tailor-made and highly efficient electric drive unit, which includes a digital Dyson electric motor, a Single-Speed transmission and a state of the art inverter. These compact and lightweight units have been mounted on the auxiliary frame at the front and at the rear of the car,” explains Dyson, who was also involved in the Design of the vehicle.

battery belongs to the body structure,

The high-capacity battery in the sub-floor has been designed as a fundamental part of the body structure, in order to optimize weight and space for the occupants and the required rigidity and the required impact protection to provide. The aluminium-battery pack casing was so flexible that during the entire life of the vehicle platform, a variety of possible sizes and types of battery cells, solutions could be installed.

auto project final

died A couple of E-car prototypes still exist – they are on the Malmesbury Campus in England, where the development in the shadow of the old military airport for a long time in Secret, took place. There, in the offices of the future are visions for future Dyson vacuum cleaners-implemented products. The car project died, however, final.