The car manufacturer Daimler wants to delete because of the Corona-crisis, significantly more sites than previously known. Staff, Board of management Wilfried Porth is called still not a number. With the previously bandied 10,000 or 15,000 jobs will be eliminated, according to Reports, does not come from you, anyway. “The new number is definitely larger than the other two,” he told the German press Agency. “And we need to prevent compulsory redundancies.” The works Council, he alleged lack of willingness.

The Corona-crisis is already weak group, with its worldwide, around 300,000 employees under pressure. CEO Ola Källenius had already stressed at the annual General meeting on Wednesday, the last autumn launched austerity program needed to be tightened. Were provided, in addition to a variety of other measures, savings in the personnel area, in the amount of 1.4 billion Euro. But even the rich now. “1.4 billion were the Basis. Now, the number is definitely larger,“ said Porth.

problems are Corona, E-mobility and cost positioning

“We have three different issues: one is the Corona of a pandemic, the crisis now provides in addition for a economy,” he explained. “We have the issue of electric mobility, and we have the issue of the competitive cost positioning. Two of the issues there were before, Corona is now added.“ Now it is not a matter of inventing new measures. Instead, you had to take the existing lever for even more in claim.

so Far, Daimler is relying primarily on natural attrition, to an old-age part-time arrangements and Severance packages – so far only in the administration, it could but be that this would now be extended to individual production areas. About 700 employees had accepted the offer so far. In addition, there were talks about the IT Service to an external company to outsource, of which about 2000 would be affected.

it should be up to the end of the decade, no compulsory redundancies, had group and the works Council agreed in connection with the restructuring of the group in the “securing the future 2030” – internal “ZuSi” was called. In it was also said Porth that new negotiations are held, if the economic conditions change significantly.

“The ZuSi describes the path you walk together, in order to secure employment,” he said. “In the face of changing economic conditions she describes, but also the path that can lead in the end to redundancies, without the need for a termination of the agreement.”

Now we are talking. And the fact that the framework conditions have changed significantly, there is also no dissent. “But the willingness of the works Council, here is really significant measures to admit, unfortunately, is not particularly pronounced,” criticized Porth. To be able to the goal, to avoid redundancies, keep, need much more Accommodating.