The National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) has agreed to the preliminary authorization with commitments for the purchase of the ‘gift box’ company Smartbox by its main rival in this market, Wonderbox.

Last year Wonderbox requested the mandatory placet for this operation from the competition authorities of the countries in which it operates, and in the Spanish case, the Council of the CNMC has approved giving a conditional green light to a series of ‘remedies’ that will be published soon, according to what Servimedia reported this Saturday to sources from the regulatory commission.

Wonderbox, present as Smartbox in nearly a dozen countries, assured employees in an internal communication announcing this acquisition in May last year that the purchase with sole control of Smartbox would generate “huge prospects for both groups.”

The alliance would “accelerate the digitalization of its offer, growth for the future, would broaden the distribution of its innovations and would accelerate the development of new markets, particularly in the Americas.” Smartbox billed a total of 387 million euros in a year affected by the pandemic like that of 2021, 38 of them in Spain, and Wonderbox 240 million.

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