medium-sized German companies are increasingly suffering from power outages and make for the energy transition, responsible. “Headless was set 20 years ago everything on the Expansion of renewable energies,” said Reinhold von Eben-Worlée, the President of the Association of The family business, the F. A. Z.

Christian Geinitz

economic correspondent in Berlin

F. A. Z.

However, just as important issues such as the expansion of the grid are, the intelligent network control and the lack of base-load capacity alternative power sources on the side of the road. “The result is that more and more family companies are affected by significant fluctuations in the grid”, complained Eben-Worlée, whose Association represents approximately 180,000 businesses with 8 million employees.

Eben-Worlée is based on a new survey of nearly 1100 member companies. According to her, have registered in the past four years, 47 percent of the farms power fluctuations. Eight years ago, there were only 34 per cent. In more than 10 percent of the new cases, the disturbances lasted longer than three minutes. 19 percent of the sub-grid fluctuations, suffering companies, was the result of a “relevant damage”, it said.

investments of a minimum of 72 billion euros

“Many family business owners are concerned about their safe and secure supply of electricity in a System full of volatile energy sources,” said the Association’s President. The situation was therefore explosive, as a provider of high technology are dependent on a “supply guarantee in the milliseconds range”. For Eben-Worlée, the policy stated in their current strategy for the energy transition the wrong priorities. “At the latest, the new government must focus not goals alone, only on their high Expansion, but must take the total system into the eye,” he demanded. “The Renewable need to find ways to guarantee a base-load with interference-free power supplies.”

it is Important, moreover, to reward the consumption flexibility and the self-power supply in the future, currently, they would be sanctioned more. Innovative approaches to energy supply in the company would have to be supported by a simple and comprehensible legislation, “instead of for the manufacturing industry, more and more legal uncertainties build, the investment in the security in question,” said Eben-Worlée.

increasingly So in the future, electricity and improved transport, has decided the Bundestag last week, the new Federal plan with 35 new projects. At the same time, the transmission system operators submitted their new network development plan up to 2035. He sees new lines between 800 and 1450 km length. The investments amount to a minimum of 72 billion euros.