
  • Page 1 — Land without plastic
  • Page 2 — in Kenya world’s strictest plastic law applies
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    Plastic pollution has become a global environmental problem. That is why European Commission intends to present on Monday a plan to ban products such as straws or cutlery. In fight against plastic, East African Rwanda positions itself as a model. There have been extremely strict laws re for years. How much this changes is reported by our author.

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    Vedaste Mutabazi is located in Seinemkleinen shop in Gisenyi, a small town in western Rwanda. The Regalesind up under ceiling filled with household goods, toiletries UndLebensmitteln. It will be full in evening from six o’clock. When Einerseiner customers ask him to fill sugar in a small plastic bag, he apologizes: No, he doesn’t have plastic bags anymore. Since LetztemJahr.

    Because about a year ago, inspector came into his shop. Vedaste was on his way, his younger bror Hattedie cashier. The inspector gave himself up as a customer. When VedastesBruder a plastic bag under counter, whipped out Inspector DenStift. Breaking Law! He immediately closed shop and imposed außerdemeine punishment: 100,000 Rwanda franc, around 100 euros. “That’s a lot of money,” sagtVedaste. “I can’t pay that easily.” Vedaste Einedeutlich was able to act out a lesser penalty, but he had learned one thing: Fortanmuss go without plastic.

    In Rwanda, it has been forbidden since 2008 to import, produce, sell or simply for plastic bags. And this ban is being rigorously implemented by Government. In addition to fines, up to twelve months in prison are threatened. “Every Rwandans knows heutedieses ban,” explains Remy Norbert Duhuze of RuandischenUmweltbehörde Rema Stolz. “Plastic bags have disappeared from everyday life of Rwanda.”

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    It looks completely different worldwide: since his invention, plastic has reached every crevice of our Earth. It drifts in huge rubbish carpets on our seas, has penetrated to Antarctic and can be Formvon in smallest micro-plastic parts in our food and our bodies. But while in Germany every person consumes on average 76Plastiktüten per year, children in Rwanda already learn in school that it takes several hundred years for a plastic bag to rot. Radio UndFernsehsender disseminate environmental protection slogans and environmental authority Rema Ruftdazu to display illegal behaviour. All this is part of NationalenStrategie.

    Every last Saturday of month, on day of Uganda, all Rwandans are called to clean and tidy up all over country. Even President Paul Kagame power in Gummistiefelnmit. Then all shops are closed, so that re are enough helpers to collect every little scrap of paper, to repair roads OderBäume to plant. Problems are n discussed in DerNachbarschaftsgemeinschaft.

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    In fact, not only dieStraßen in Rwanda’s capital of Kigali are spotlessly clean, but also unbefestigteWege and backyards in country. This amazes especially tourists, Siedoch are accustomed from many countries of Africa rubbish on roadside, in moats and even in branches of trees. “The plastic bag law is really well established in Rwanda and Government is showing great commitment,” says a government consultant who wants to remain anonymous.