The final court ruling is still pending, however, for the Federal network Agency, the thing is already clear: the current letter is unlawful because, based on the work of the Deutsche Post in the year-on-year decision to increase the was not covered to 80 cents by the postal law.

Helmut Bünder

economic correspondent in Düsseldorf.

F. A. Z.

So it is a document for the policy Advisory Committee of the authority, to the study of the end of June with the theme. Thus, the dispute could leave on Swiss Post’s letter prices in advance again. The current Porto until the end of 2021. Actually, the next Porto should begin the procedure in the next spring.

a trigger is a decision by the Federal administrative court by the end of may. Therefore, only the postage increase from 62 to 70 cents in the period 2016 to 2018 was unlawful. According to the assessment of the network Agency, “this statement is basically the first as well as the second amendment to regulation” and, therefore, also those on which the postage increase is based in March 2019.

with this regulation the German Association of parcel and Express logistics (BIEK) had also collected a lawsuit before the administrative court. As the network Agency writes, speaking after the first viewing of “good reasons, that the lawsuit against the current postage is likely to have for the plaintiff’s success”.

does Not expect any claims to repayment

BIEK Chairman Marten bosselmann, that the judgment is not to be taken seriously. Millions of Germans have paid excessive fees. “The next decision, the network Agency has to bring the to much paid postage in the deduction and the current ask prices as quickly as possible, to reduce,” he said of the F. A. Z., The Greens called for the speedy creation of clarity. He think that you put the hands in the lap, so that the Post can continue to take an increased postage of most customers, said group Vice Oliver Krischer.

letter to the customer can make no claims to repayment in the event. The ruling applies only to the Parties to the proceedings. In approving the increase, the network was left the Agency far behind the ideas of the Post. At the behest of the Federal government, they had to Orient themselves to a new scheme, according to which the yields of other European postal companies in the calculation of the German mail prices.