Several food prices will drop “from now”, some forty industrialists having agreed to “make an effort”, announced Thursday July 13 the Minister Delegate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME), Olivia Grégoire.

Due to the fall in the prices of raw materials, “we asked with Bruno Le Maire [the Minister of the Economy] the 75 largest manufacturers to lower their prices quickly”, recalled the minister interviewed on Sud Radio, and ” we arrive at around forty industrialists who will make a very concrete effort of minus 5% to minus 7% or 8% from July”.

This concerns “pasta, sunflower oil, tea, vinegar, poultry, yogurts, animal feed, but also cakes, jams,” said Ms. Grégoire, according to whom “it can be seen from now on the shelves and it will continue all summer.”

Several manufacturers whose raw material costs have not yet fallen – such as sugar and plastic – are not concerned at this stage by the negotiations. Others will stay out of this process, “because there is an important chain with our farmers,” said Ms. Grégoire, like milk and pork.

“If we have thieves, industrialists who have had [raw material price] cuts and who do not pass them on, we will not tremble to name the actors who are irresponsible in the period,” she said. . “Food inflation was almost 16% in March, it’s 13.6% in June, the decline is starting,” she added.