The Philippines have a money laundering investigation in connection with the accounting scandal at the Dax-listed company Wirecard launched and a search of the former Board, Jan Marsalek. The Minister of justice Menardo Guevarra said on Wednesday that he had instructed the immigration Department to examine the possibility of whether Marsalek could be in the country.

shown by The records of the offices that Marsalek, as at 3. March was in Manila, but two days later left, said Guevarra told reporters. “However, there is some evidence that he returned recently and may still be there,” he added. As the Süddeutsche Zeitung reported on Wednesday citing information from the circles of connoisseurs of investigation, and wanted to make Marsalek in the coming week the Prosecutor’s office in Munich.

Marsalek was with Wirecard as a right-Hand man of ousted CEO Markus Braun. He was day-to-day business, but was suspended in the last week, first on Monday and then released. The Manager was, for years, been Chief Operating Officer for day-to-day business.

Wirecard had not given that 1.9 billion euros which should be credited to trust accounts in the Philippines, there exist very likely. The Philippine Central Bank said on Sunday that the missing funds had not been invested in the financial system of the country.

Guevarra also said that he had no information about whether Wirecard in the Philippines is active. However, he had instructed the investigating authority National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), with the Anti-money laundering Council AMLC to work together to investigate the case. “The NBI and the AMLC will work, unless there is evidence of money laundering,” he said.