Too many overtime, too bad pay, too many day-laborers – in a Chinese factory of hardware manufacturer Foxconn, who builds loudspeaker echo and E-Bookreader kindle for Amazon, has been systematically violated by labor protection laws. This is result of a study by US non-governmental organization (NGO) China Labor Watch. Amazon has admitted violations and is working to eliminate m, reports Guardian citing an appropriate statement from company.

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China Labor Watch had studied from August 2017 to April 2018 conditions in Foxconnfabrik in Hengyang in Chinese province of Hunan. Products for Amazon are manufactured re. In almost 100 page-long test report various violations of law are listed. Thus, 44 percent of workers in factory are laborers who are not paid for sickness and are sent home unpaid in case of too few orders. However, China’s laws prohibit a company from employing more than ten percent of day laborers.

The report also notes that in peak times workers of factory made up to 100 overtime per month. A maximum of 36 overtime per month is allowed. The day laborers were paid overtime as normal working hours and not increased hourly rate that regular employees of company received.

“Unethical and illegal”

One employee of NGO had worked as a day laborer in factory for a month. The completely exhausted employees would fall asleep at ir benches in short breaks, he reported.

In a letter to Amazonchef Jeff Bezos, Li Qiang, founder of China Labor Watch, wrote that se conditions were “unethical and illegal”.

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Faced with accusations of China Labor Watch, Amazon admitted that ir own reviewers had found similar problems at Foxconn in March 2018, writes Guardian. Amazon is taking reported grievances and violating its own standards very seriously. Foxconn was promptly asked to improve and will monitor it continuously.

The hardware manufacturer Foxconn is notorious for its poor working conditions. After 2010 a slew of workers committed suicide, customers such as Apple and Chinese state pushed for improvements. They were re, and in some cases compensation was paid to employees. But enormous profit margins of electronics industry are still being achieved, above all, at expense of unskilled workers who produce equipment.

2.26 dollars per hour

Foxconn has scored 2017 more than four billion dollars in profit, Amazon 2.4 billion dollars. According to report by China Labor Watch, an unskilled day labourer in Hengyang deserves 2.26 dollars per hour. Making overtime is a necessity for you, because orwise your income is too low to be able to live on it. Therefore, Foxconn uses permission to make overtime as a reward. Those who arrive late or work inaccurately will be sent home after regular ten hours of work.

Companies such as Apple or Amazon are making ir suppliers ‘ company specifications under which conditions ir products are to be manufactured. At same time, however, y put pressure on m to keep production costs as low as possible.