Industrialized countries such as Germany benefit most from globalisation, measured by ir economic interdependence. This is result of an investigation by consulting firm Prognos on behalf of Bertelsmann Foundation. Thus, in first places of ranking only Western states are located: in rank one Switzerland is found, followed by Japan, Finland, Ireland and Israel. Germany occupies sixth place. The final light is India, last China. Or emerging economies such as Argentina and Russia are also cutting poorly.

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The winners of Globalisierung are often at home where criticism of globalization is loudest: in industrialized countries. The new globalization report of our @GED_Tweet colleagues, freshly prepared for G7Summit. (FW) Https://

— Bertelsmann Stiftung (@BertelsmannSt) June 8, 2018

The report compares 42 industrial and emerging countries and measures consequences of ir international networking for prosperity. This is based on an index that takes into account economic, political and social factors for each country. For example, real gross domestic product (GDP) from 1990 to 2016 toger grew by about one trillion euros per year – but countries have benefited to varying degrees.

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For example, GDP per capita in India rose by an average of 20 euros per year. China (80 euros) and Mexico (120 euros) also recorded below-average growth. In Switzerland, on or hand, re were 1,900 euros in same period, 1,150 euros in Germany.

“Protectionism is wrong way”

Interesting is USA case. The economic power lands in globalization study with 445 euro in place 25 and is thus in middle field. The experts at Prognos and Bertelsmann see reason for this in faltering international integration of US-American companies. This would hardly have been expanded since 1990 – “corresponding behaviour is growth in gross domestic product per capita”.

The conclusion of CEO of Bertelsmann Stiftung, Aart de Geus, is all more clear: “Globalization can clearly create wealth gains,” he said. “Protectionism is wrong way.” Cora Jungbluth, economic expert of Foundation, called for an international economic order: “This is only way to distribute globalization gains as widely as possible,” she said. This included market openings in emerging markets as well as reduction of subsidies in industrialised countries.