Without a Portion of extravagance, it is not Elon Musk. “It will be filled with graffiti art”, – wrote the head of the American electric car manufacturer Tesla, as he was a few days ago a Video of the resulting plant in Brandenburg-Grünheide on Twitter published. More than 100,000 Likes, brought him – and a number of samples of work, with which users have recommended themselves or others Sprayer for the beautification of the walls in the German Gigafactory.

Julia Löhr

economic correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

The video recordings show that, at least outwardly, almost finished factory. Only at one point, the roof and the exterior walls are missing, apart from that, the interior is already running. Still, Tesla is waiting for the final building permit in the country, is built on the Basis of preliminary Individual approval, and at your own financial risk. The progress of the construction, the uncertainty applies the brakes. Recently, the first parts for the huge presses were delivered, with which the body of the electric car out of a cast is to be created. By the end of June, the factory should be according to the will of Tesla to start.

in addition to the construction work, the recruitment is in full swing. Alone on the career platform on Linkedin, the company has announced about 400 Points. Most of them are experienced engineers, but also a Controller and a plant doctor to be searched.

No name next to Musk

a note on the future of the Team in Grünheide, there are better said: It gave him short-term. In a job advertisement for shift leaders recruited the personnel officer, with the reference to Marcel Jost, Alexander Kluge, Tristan Trémolières, Milan Peric and Simon Anton. Shortly thereafter, the name had disappeared again. Tesla is known for its enclosure to be known loss. In addition to Musk as few people as possible should be visible from the outside.

it is striking that three of the Above come from Daimler. The job cuts, including a generous severance of the personnel Department of the Tesla comes. Little IG Metall is pleased. The Americans have also recruited René Mature, the former head of the Mercedes engine plant in Berlin-marienfelde, felt the Union as a “betrayal”. You don’t talk to Tesla, because the electric car manufacturer, as yet, no attempt to pay for the employees in grünheide, in accordance with the Tariff.

the head of The employment Agency in Frankfurt (Oder), supported by Tesla in the search for production staff, it has been shown with the salary level, however, satisfied. Even for Unskilled entry-level salaries should be 2700 euros gross per month, the workers are trained and receive 3500 euros.