The Podcast “The Coronavirus-Update” with the Berlin-based virologist Christian Drosten has won two awards at the Grimme Online Award. A prize was awarded by the Jury, the audience. The Grimme jury awarded the NDR-production on Thursday evening in the category “Information”. The reason given was: “The Coronavirus-Update’ demonstrates that a more detailed science journalism can captivate the audience and opens up the whole Podcast, by the way, new listener groups for the Medium.” At the end of the ceremony, the audience award was also added, yet, on the Internet users could vote.

The NDR had started the Podcast in February, and since then he has developed into a great success. Patient of the Charité’s scientists Drosten on the latest developments regarding the Coronavirus pandemic. Currently, the Podcast is in the summer break.

in addition, could look forward to more network-offers the coveted award for outstanding Online journalism. The Video was one of “the destruction of The CDU” by Youtuber Rezo. The Jury in the category “special”. “In a spectacular way, he cracked the wagons of political communication, and left hundreds of thousands of his Followers*the inside of the centre of Power”, it was said to the grounds.

More award winners of the Webblog “NSU-Watch”, the “RomArchive” about the arts and cultures of the Sinti and Roma, the Multimedia Reportage “The donation” of the “” the project “obstinacy in the brother country,” about the former life-world of migrants in the GDR, and the two Video formats “STRG_F” and “Karakaya Talk” of public service Content and network radio.