Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has blamed Brussels for the problems facing the country and regretted that only Hungary and the Vatican are in favor of peace in Ukraine. This is the summary of the one-hour speech that Orban gave this Saturday to report on the state of the nation before thousands of supporters.

“A year ago, the West made a different decision: it did not isolate the war, but elevated it to a regional level. What has happened is another compelling argument against the great Brussels state and in favor of the nation state,” Orbán said.

According to the prime minister, “the Germans were initially against the war, but then they changed sides and did not simply go over to the side in favor of the war, but immediately took the initiative. And the other countries thought that if the Germans did not could withstand that kind of external pressure, then they had to change too.”

“Only two remained on the side of peace: Hungary and the Vatican,” he said. “We cannot complain about the company, but we must expect serious consequences. We must face the fact that the war will become more and more savage and the tone towards us will also become more aggressive.”

Orban criticized that the European Union bet solely on sanctions to put an end to a conflict that, almost a year after the start of the invasion of Ukraine, “not only has not ended, but the sanctions have been extended, causing a drastic increase in energy prices in particular and everything in general”.

“We have not taken resources from Russia, we have taken resources from ourselves because while Russian energy imports have increased by 70%, the sanctions have taken four trillion forints out of the pockets of the Hungarians, which is what they have spent companies, the State and the people in energy. One remains standing in the crystal palaces of Brussels and does not want to believe what is happening,” said Orbán.

The prime minister addressed the problem of inflation in the Hungarian economy, which last month exceeded 25% year-on-year, the highest level in the EU, to attack Brussels again. “They have unleashed the disease on us, and the name of the disease is the sanctions that targeted Russia but have hit Europe,” he said.

“The Hungarian rule of law is being mocked, while the prison cell is on permanent guard in the European Union building,” denounced the prime minister, who claimed the right of member states to control Brussels and not the other way around. . “I hope that this situation will be reversed after the 2021 European Parliament elections.”

Orban, who focused a good part of his speech on the war in Ukraine, affirmed that continuing to fight will not bring victory, but more deaths, more destruction and the threat of a world war. “Peace will not come when the Ukrainians and the Russians sit down to negotiate, but when the Americans and the Russians sit down,” he opined.

“Europe is drifting towards war, it is balancing on a fine line, in fact it is already in a proxy war with Orpheus”, since in addition to supplying weapons it trains soldiers from one of the warring parties. “The risk of drifting towards war has become permanent. It started with helmets, then came the transport of equipment that is not capable of killing people, and then tanks,” he argued.

Orban also criticized NATO, which “is a defensive alliance and is not for member states to jointly attack a third country. If someone wants to commit an act of war, they must do so outside of NATO,” he stressed.

The prime minister reiterated his policy with Russia, despite calls from the opposition, which calls for a clear alignment with the rest of the European partners. “We will maintain humanitarian aid to Ukraine, but also economic relations with Russia because what is at stake are national interests,” he explained.

Orban does not believe that Russia is a threat to the security of Hungary or to NATO because the war in Ukraine has revealed its limitations. “The whole world is fooled by the Ukrainians, who try to make us believe that the Russians will not stop in their country. The whole world has seen that the Russian forces are not in a position to attack NATO”, was the reasoning of the first minister in his state of the nation address.

Then the question was raised aloud whether it would be morally correct to put Ukraine’s interests before Hungary’s. “Is it possible to remain sovereign in this situation? No. The only morally correct thing is to stay out of war. Only God is above the Hungarians, not other countries,” was his reply.

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