The aid of 4000 euros for hiring a young person will apply well to those under 26, and not only to those under 25 as initially announced by the executive, according to a decree published this Thursday in the Official Journal.

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During the presentation of the youth plan on July 23, the government specified that this measure would only apply to those under 25, while the other integration and training measures concern those under 26.

The readjustment at 26 represents “10% more young people”, according to the data communicated during the consultation with the social partners, a union source had indicated at the end of July. This aid, of a maximum amount of 4,000 euros per employee, applies to hirings on fixed-term contracts (of at least three months) or on permanent contracts for remuneration less than or equal to twice the minimum wage, carried out by a company or association.

The decree also specifies that the employer must not have proceeded, from January 1, 2020, to a dismissal for economic reasons on the position concerned by the aid. The government expects 450,000 contracts signed thanks to this boost.

This bonus is “one of the key measures” of the youth plan, reacts this Thursday Elisabeth Borne, the Minister of Labor, quoted in a press release. “I strongly encourage employers to get on it quickly; they have six months from today,” she adds.