A hydraulic power pack or unit can be thought of as the most vital part of a hydraulic system. Compared to selecting just an individual unit, such as a directional valve, a pump, or a check valve, the hydraulic power pack or unit is a well-organised variety of components, all designed to perform a crucial task – to supply power to a specific application. Power packs can come in various sizes, from those that can accommodate a few litres to those which can hold a reservoir of thousands of litres. It is important to remember that hydraulic power packs or units can be as basic as possible (used, for instance, for straightforward functions such as log splitting), or they can be very complex, used for non-sequential and unique operations, such as in mining, plastics, and metallurgy. So with all this, how do you know that you are specifying or designing the best custom hydraulic power unit for your needs? Here’s how.

·Your force and power requirements

If you want your unit to be fully functional according to your needs, you need to determine what kind of power you need and the sequence in which you need it. Additionally, you should think about the actuator numbers you need as well as the size, the volumes, and the piping run distance as these will all have an effect on your force, power, and capacity requirements. This can also help you confirm whether you really need a custom build or can opt for a pre-engineered hydraulic power unit. It is also essential for you to bear in mind how the flow rates can have an impact on the hydraulic power unit’s design. It’s best to consider several aspects related to this, such as reservoir size, pump capacity, return flow, and decompression rate.

·The location and environment

Another major consideration for hydraulic power units is how much space they occupy when it comes to the available space you have on your plant floor. You also need to consider whether the unit will be integral to the base of the machine and whether it needs ancillary support like water, power, air, and other utilities. But apart from this, the unit’s actual location as well as environment brings about other parameters – and these include ambient temperature, elevation, and operating conditions. For example, if you need a hydraulic power unit at a high elevation, you need to think about inlet and suction conditions more seriously compared to having a unit installed at sea level. If, on the other hand, the unit is to be used in a shipboard environment or be exposed to salt or seawater spray, you may need to have marine specs or special coatings for it. In ambient temperature, enhanced cooling or heating characteristics may also be beneficial to the hydraulic power unit’s design.

Other factors include plumbing or electricity connectivity in the design of the machine as well as the unit’s proximity to the end-work. You may also have to consider the tubing or pipe runs, which can affect the size of the reservoir. It’s always best to work with an expert when it comes to the design and specifications of your hydraulic power unit. With a good supplier, you can be assured of the best unit you require.

Image attributed to from https://www.hydraproducts.co.uk/hydraulic-power-units/standard-power-units.aspx