After the devastating Explosion in the port of Beirut dieSchäden for the Lebanese capital are becoming more apparent. The number of dead rose to at least 100, such as the Lebanese Red cross said on Wednesday. Accordingly, approximately 4000 people were injured. Emergency workers searched in the rubble for additional Victims. The Secretary-General of the Red cross in the Lebanon, George Kattanah, told the German press Agency, the number of victims will probably continue to rise.

From security circles it was said that it would be still missing at least 100 people. “There are many people are still under the rubble,” said an Official who wanted to remain anonymous. The severe damage made many homes uninhabitable. Between 200,000 and 250,000 people had lost their homes, said Governor Marwan Abbud the Lebanese television channel MTV. You would be supplied with food, water and shelter. The AFP news Agency reported that up to 300,000 Affected. It damages in the amount of three to five billion American dollars were created – “possibly more,” said Abbud, the news Agency NNA said.

experts warned of the impact on the economy of the country, which has for months been the is already one of the most serious crises in the history of Lebanon. “This Explosion is the nail in the coffin for the economy of Lebanon and for the country in General,” said the Analyst Makram Rabah, the German press Agency. The people could not rebuild their houses again, because the money is missing. The port of Beirut is also the lifeline of the country. Because, among other things, grain silos have been destroyed, one would have expected the country now with the Hunger and the shortages of bread.

Several countries have announced, in the meantime, to help Beirut. A spokesman for the Federal interior Ministry said on Wednesday the Federal government to prepare assistance measures. At the request of the Lebanese government could still start on Wednesday a 47-strong unit of the Federal Agency for Technical relief in the Lebanese capital, to help in the recovery of the Victim. There is also a message to the support Team dispatched to contribute to the working ability of the German mission in Lebanon will.

The Ministry of defence withdrew in the afternoon, details of the speaker, according to the German army, sent a in Cyprus anchored Navy Corvette in the direction of Lebanon. Appropriate plans were different than initially communicated has not yet been implemented, there had been a “communication error”, the Ministry said. The exact number of the injured German, the Federal government could continue to make no information.

The EU-activated at the request of the Lebanese authorities on Wednesday its civil protection mechanism and the EU-Commission is coordinating the assistance and assumes the largest part of logistics costs. As a first concrete help to the Netherlands, Greece and the Czech Republic want to vehicles a hundred firefighters with search dogs and Rescue dispatch, specializing in rescue operations in the urban space. As the EU informed the Commission, and have also offered to France, Poland and Germany help via the civil protection mechanism. The EU provides to the Lebanese authorities also satellite images available to the extent of the damage to capture. “In this difficult situation, the European Union offers to the Lebanese people all their support,” said the disaster relief Commissioner Janez Lenarčič. We stand ready to mobilize more assistance.