Because the infection figures in Germany are low, had been decided by the conference of education Ministers (KMK) in June, after the summer holidays to the rule operating in the schools to return to, unless the other infection is done to allow the. Both the countries, as well as each school met for two additional scenarios instructions: for a change of classroom and online education and for return to the Online schooling.

Heike Schmoll

Political correspondent in Berlin, responsible for the “formation of worlds”.

F. A. Z.

in June announced a joint “framework for updated protective and hygiene measures, the wearing labor protection bill”, has been adopted on Tuesday afternoon by the Ministers of Culture and education. He serves the countries as guidance in the Review of the school of hygiene plans for the upcoming school year. Details is up to you.

The KMK President and the Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of education, Stefanie Hubig (SPD) said, “it is our task to bring the right to education with the necessary measures to protect against the spread of the Coronavirus in line. That’s what we do with the common framework.“ As far as normal operation in the presence of the form would only work if the schools complied with the applicable hygiene measures.

Airing before and after each hour

This contact such as hugs and hands also belong to the latest version of the renunciation of the body shaking, compliance with the coughing and Sneezing etiquette and thorough hand hygiene and the Wearing of a mouth, nose and cover outside of the classroom, as some countries are provided.

Because you now know the important role that aerosols and air for the Transmission of play, shall be provided for all class rooms at the latest, before and after each lesson via a push – or cross-ventilation with fresh air. All of the rooms should be cleaned regularly. In the plumbing sufficiently liquid soap dispenser and disposable towels in a circumference are provided that allow regular hand hygiene to clear also.

Even if the spacing rules for the classroom are repealed, should be observed at conferences, meetings, and school-related events, the minimum distance of 1.50 meters. “In principle, there are no restrictions in view of the current infection situation in terms of the entire school staff use”, it is called bureaucratic in KMK paper.