“Do what you have to do but always do it on the basis of consensus. Agreeing is hard work, but it is the basis of success. You must always be able to agree.” This was the last advice from my partner, mentor, friend, my everything, José Antonio Llorente. An idea that encapsulates his philosophy of life and work.

José Antonio not only founded LLYC, our company, in 1995, but transformed it into a benchmark within the communication, marketing and public affairs sector, both in Spain, Portugal and Latin America. His vision and dedication positioned LLYC among the 40 largest companies in the world in its sector, with more than 1,200 LLYCERS. His legacy goes beyond the boundaries of LLYC; I think we are not aware that he has left a deep mark on the communication and marketing sector at a global level. I had the incredible luck of being able to accompany him from the beginning, since he was an intern, learning day by day with whom he became an enormous professional and personal reference. How lucky to be an intern and to be able to work alongside JALL.

Passionate about innovation, José Antonio promoted a model of professional partners and the pioneering IPO of LLYC in the BME Growth, anticipating a future that transcended people. He was a visionary who knew how to generate growth opportunities for professionals, always obsessed with providing results for our clients’ businesses.

He left serene, calm, happy with a full life for which he was only grateful. This feeling of serenity and gratitude defines how José Antonio lived his last days. Her acceptance of life and its challenges is a lesson in dignity and inner peace when facing a disease like cancer.

In the 28 years we shared, I always learned something new from him. José Antonio leaves an indelible mark on more than 5,000 professionals in the world of communication and marketing. His influence goes far beyond numbers and achievements, it resided in the values ​​and teachings that he imparted to all those fortunate enough to know him, to learn from him, to be better thanks to him. In Spain and Latin America I am sure that in all the companies in our sector there is someone who was close to José Antonio.

José Antonio perfectly combined greatness and humility. He was always willing to listen, advise and, above all, share his vision. In meetings, his ideas not only illuminated the way, but opened doors to new possibilities. His understanding of his leadership transformed my own vision and approach to challenges. I am DNA JALL.

In his memory, with his legacy, despite the sadness, we continue forward, cultivating his heritage of consensus, innovation and humanism. José Antonio, JALL for us, taught us that true success is measured by the positive impact we leave on others and the world.

This is your greatest contribution. His legacy. One that we carry inside, integrated into our way of seeing the world, inscribed in our own DNA. A DNA that will always carry the essence of José Antonio.

I love you.

Alejandro Romero is a partner and Global CEO of LLYC.