Warren Buffett’s investment company Berkshire Hathaway has increased their cash reserves in the Corona-crisis again vigorously. In the second quarter of the money mountain, where the 89-year-old star investor sits rose to a good ten billion to the record amount of EUR 146.6 billion dollars (124.4 bn Euro), as on Saturday from the most recent annual report from Berkshire Hathaway showed.

So that the system continues to increase pressure on the due to its Riechers for lucrative Investments, “the Oracle of Omaha” – called stock market gurus. The financial markets have been waiting for Buffett’s next Mega-Acquisition. However, unlike in earlier crises, he was apart of a larger natural-gas-Deal – in the pandemic back. to invest

Instead of the enormous Cash holdings of Berkshire Hathaway in investments or acquisitions, continued Buffett recently more and more on share repurchases for the Price support. In the three months to the end of June, the record-breaking amount of 5.1 billion dollars was spent for it. Day-to-day business suffered, meanwhile, is more under the crisis.

The operating profit of the conglomerate that includes the 90 company and a number of large share holdings, in the year-on-year by ten percent to 5.5 billion dollars (4.7 billion Euro). The Surplus of Berkshire’s lap, meanwhile, thanks to the recovery in the share price on the stock exchanges of 14.1 billion to 26.3 billion dollars in the height.