The insect venom Fipronil has been once again in eggs from Niederlandennachgewiesen. Accidents has six federal states, such as NiedersächsischeLandwirtschaftsministerium in Hannovermitteilte. About 73,000 eggs were sold in Lower Saxony, Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, Bavaria, Schleswig-Holstein UndNordrhein-Westfalen.

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DieRücknahme of eggs was bereitsveranlasst by food business operator. The authorities are of opinion that re is no health hazard for consumers. WelcheSupermärkte is unclear. In period between 17th Maibis to 4 June, a total of 97,200 eggs from Nerlands were a packing centre in Lower Saxony district of Vechta Geliefertworden.

After a second investigation, packing point number communities. This allows consumers to check wher y have ir own contaminated eggs in refrigerator, spokeswoman said.

Fipronil pollution apparently persisted

The eggs come from a Dutch organic Legehennenbetrieb. The Grundfür load is not known. A request was made to Nerlands. Already in past year, many eggs were contaminated with Fipronil, first in Nerlands and n in some or countries.

Darauffolgten wide-ranging recalls of eggs and egg products. Seitdemwerden eggs specifically tested for Fipronil. In se investigations, transgression of Höchstwertefestgestellt.In Nerlands itself had been discovered belasteteEier after media reports in VorletztenMaiwoche at a sample in a supermarket. Already last year of Fipronil scandal BetroffeneLandwirt suspected that remnants of insecticide might have been found in soil of meadow on which his hens have spout. This could explain comparatively small burden of derEier, which was found in Lower Saxony.

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DasInsektengift Fipronil, which may be used in animals erzeugennicht food, was 2017 a detergent and was sold to chicken farmers via a Dutch company.