The Iranian Revolutionary Guard has presented a new ballistic missile with a range of 1,650 kilometers, amid tensions with the West over the sale of drones to Russia and the repression of protests unleashed by the death of the young Mahsa Amini in September.

“We have added a new missile with a range of 1,650 kilometers to the arsenal of the Islamic Republic,” the commander of the Revolutionary Guards Aerospace Force, General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, said late Friday.

Baptized as “Paveh”, the name of a city in Iranian Kurdistan, the new missile has an accuracy below one meter and high maneuverability.

State television showed a test of the new weaponry, watching the missile take off, fly over a desert landscape and finally hit a target, all to the beat of epic music.

Hajizadeh recalled that Tehran has missiles with a range of 2,000 kilometers, with which it could hit “US aircraft carriers” and sent a message to the European Union.

“We have limited the range of our missiles to 2,000 kilometers out of respect for the Europeans. We hope that the Europeans will maintain their dignity,” Hajizadeh said.

This is an allusion to the tensions between Iran and Europe due to the European sanctions against the Persian country for the repression of the protests unleashed by the death of Mahsa Amini and the sale of drones to Russia, which has used them in its invasion of Ukraine. .

The European Parliament passed a resolution in January calling on the Council of the European Union to consider the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and its subsidiary forces, such as the Basij paramilitary militia and the Quds Force, a terrorist organization.

That resolution further strained difficult relations between Iran and European countries, even though the Revolutionary Guard has not been designated a terrorist group.

Iranian ballistic missiles are a source of concern for the United States, Europe and some Middle Eastern countries, although Tehran authorities say they only have a defensive and deterrent role.

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