After joining large German corporations, Emirate of Qatar will also invest more heavily in medium-sized companies in future. Overall, a commitment of around ten billion euros is planned over next five years, said emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, at a Qatari-German investor conference in Berlin, which he opened toger with Chancellor Angela Merkel. “We are proud of our relationships and cooperation with Germany,” said Al-Thani.

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Qatar is already involved in Volkswagen, Deutsche Bank, Siemens, Hochtief and SolarWorld, among ors. According to Qatar, previous investments amount to around 25 billion euros.

Merkel welcomed willingness to invest al-Thanis. “They find competent partners and also reliable framework conditions,” said chancellor. Economic relations, however, are not a one-way street. It also sees good opportunities for expansion of German investment in infrastructure and industry in Qatar.

Merkel hopes for closer cooperation in gas industry

The Federal Chancellor also relies on closer cooperation in gas industry. “In my view, energy sector in particular still has considerable potential for expanding our economic relations,” Merkel said. Above all, it called production of liquefied petroleum gas, which could contribute to histories diversification of Gasbezugsquellen and thus also serve security of supply. In Germany re are considerations for construction of an import terminal for liquefied petroleum gas. Qatar is already largest exporter of liquefied petroleum gas and intends to furr expand its production capacities.

Qatar has been in conflict with Saudi Arabia for more than a year. In June last year, leadership in Riyadh and United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt had broken off ir relations with Qatar because, among or things, y accused emirate of supporting terrorists. Qatar rejects accusations.