“Listening to that, I started to have pimples,” Jean-Luc Hees told Libération on Sunday April 7, announcing that he had resigned from his position as member of the Europe 1 ethics committee on February 12. “That” is the first part of “L’Heure des pros”, the show hosted by Pascal Praud and co-broadcast with CNews by the radio controlled by Vincent Bolloré, explains the daily.

Jean-Luc Hees does not directly name the program: “I hadn’t listened to Europe 1 for forty years, and then I listened to the station between 9 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.… I didn’t know that there would be that at the start of the school year, nor Philippe de Villiers. » The former president of Radio France (2009-2014) had been appointed barely a month earlier by Europe 1, at the beginning of January, to ensure good ethical practices at the station.

Contacted by Libération, the management of Europe 1 did not comment on this early departure, but simply confirmed that the radio ethics committee, normally made up of three members, only had two left: Bénédicte Wautelet, legal director of the Figaro group, and Jacques Lallain, former journalist for Le Parisien. According to information from Libération, the latter, however, also resigned from the committee “for purely personal reasons” at the end of January.

Jean-Luc Hees had already been a member of the ethics committee of the Russian channel RT France, between 2017 and 2020. Questioned on this subject by Le Monde in December 2017, he declared: “It is better to watch from inside than seeing from the outside that something is wrong. It’s a matter of principles. » “If something bothers me, I will leave immediately,” he said. A principle that he seems to have applied again.