just in time for the summer holidays, the Balearic Islands are back in range. Today, Monday, the travel warnings for travellers from the Schengen area are abolished, the storm on Mallorca, Menorca and Ibiza can begin.

With a Trip to the latter island, the former FPÖ leader Heinz-Christian Strache in the summer three years ago, however, as we know, a bad experience made. In a specially bugged Finca, he blusters with party colleague Johann Gudenus and a supposed Russian oligarch-niece about what he could give for your prospect of financial help, was his party in Power.

The conversation secretly recorded Video went through all sorts of hands, and finally landed at the “mirror” and the SZ, with its publication in may of last year, it was with Straches career, and the coalition between the FPÖ and ÖVP over.

Just the circumstances under which the Video was created are resolved, however. Who made it and for what purpose? It was a “civil action,” as the Viennese lawyer claimed, is, or should be earned money? Who is the young woman, played by the oligarchs-niece?

Researched have some of the media. Who researched particularly intense, however, was halted by the Berlin district court. As a Researcher of the “time” of the private detective employed to have wired the Finca in Ibiza. The court said, with greater Nonchalance, such findings were received with attribution of the detective, the Public. That was also the case of the “world on Sunday”, which came back in may of this year on the matter. The newspaper got a restraining order.

This has set the Federal constitutional court is now provisionally in force, because the Berlin regional court had not listened to the Springer-Verlag in the matter before the ruling was issued. This is contrary to the view of the Federal constitutional court against the principle of “procedural equality of Arms”, the bound from article 3 (equality before the law) and article 20 (jurisdiction’s law) basic law.

Thus, the constitutional court, what should be, of course, in the press method, but is not – a decision both sides must be formulated. Who wants to take action against unwelcome coverage, it can stop without the need for the Rapporteur can contradict.