The removal of FBI director James Comey by Donald Trump last May led to the appointment of an independent special prosecutor to investigate Russian influence in the US elections in the fear that the president would have tried to obstruct Justice. These are some of the key figures of Robert Mueller’s research that tries to unmask the possible links between Trump’s campaign and the Russian government in the 2016 elections.
Jared Kushner the son-in-law and adviser to the president is part of those investigated for his meeting with the Russian ambassador in Washington, Sergei Kislyak, in December 2016, a month after the electoral victory. Kushner also met with Sergey Gorkov, head of a Russian bank that has received U.S. sanctions. And he came to propose a secret communication channel between Putin and Trump’s team. During the campaign, the son-in-law, along with Donald Trump Jr. and Paul Manafort, also met with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, lobbyist of her government in the USA, under the promise of obtaining “incriminating information” from Hillary Clinton.
Michael Flynn Lieutenant-General Michael Flynn was an advisor to Trump’s campaign and national Security advisor for the administration during the first 24 days, when he was forced to resign after lying about his contacts with Russia. Flynn had concealed Vice President Mike Pence from meeting with Ambassador Kislyak. The general’s history also includes collaborations and advice with the Turkish Government and has been a speaker for Russian companies, including the Russia Today, considered by the US as one of the means used by Russia to interfere in the elections.
Sergei Kislyak the Russian Exambassador in Washington figures as one of the recurring people in Mueller’s research. Kislyak, a key Putin man, met with Flynn, Kushner, the current attorney general, Jeff sessions, and other Trump’s advisors as Carter Page. The diplomat also participated in events related to the now president’s election campaign. Shortly before returning to Russia to continue his Senate career, the ambassador saw Trump in the Oval Office together with the Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov.
Donald Trump Jr.
The president’s eldest son is also on the list of investigated by Mueller after knowing that he was the one who organized the meeting with Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya and other members of Trump’s campaign. In his email exchanges, the firstborn claimed to be “delighted” to receive negative information about Clinton.