Technology is supporting every business in the modern world. The companies and the education sector are the premier industries that are taking advantage of it, the most. The online assessments to hire new employees or to assess the students and remote proctoring are among the few features which make the technology more popular. Online proctoring allows students and employees to work from home.

The remote proctoring products are in high demand all over the world. It releases the pressure to arrange examination centers and allows the schools or colleges to assess students directly from the online platform. The online proctoring raises the level of E-learning. We all well know that e-learning is the future of the education sector. The e-learning market is expanding at a higher pace. It is concluded by various studies that by 2030 this platform will make its place in the global market. This industry requires the support of other industries also, so growth in this industry will bring advantages to other supporting industries also.

For those who are reading this term 1st time or new in this field – the term proctoring is explained as a technology that acts as a test taker and acts as proctor while anybody gives the test. This technology acts as a teacher which prevents the students to do any type of cheating. The vital example of the remote proctoring services is that it allows the students to give tests even from the rural area and side by side maintains the integrity of the test. For this, a proper protocol is followed in which student’s 1st confirm their identity. While giving the test the students are monitored continuously through the video. This video is then assessed by experts to detect any irregular measure used by the students while giving the test. Behind the software of proctoring is an advanced technology. If it detects any inappropriate activity and the window instantly closes the test.

From the last two decades, online testing is adopted by the entrance exam organizers to take various exams of national importance. There are many formats by which technology is used. But the most common format is the objective type test. These tests help to judge the knowledge and learning ability of the students. There are more advantages of technology which makes it more famous than the traditional proctoring methods.

  1. It doesn’t matter whatever be the national situation like any crisis or particular area suffering from a shortage of transport the exams can be conducted anywhere and anytime which is not possible in the case of offline exams.
  2. It is a very challenging task to arrange examination centers and then to employee teachers on the duty. It needs a large amount of money and sources. Online proctoring helps to get rid of these tasks and their headache.
  3. It is very hard to choose an honest proctor who can take the exams with sincerity. The lack of availability of sources to recheck if they had done their duty properly or not make the online system more acceptable.
  4. The limited availability of proper test centers where students can reach easily makes the task more difficult.
  5. If schools conduct online tests without proctoring, no source is left behind to judge them. It will become easy for the students to take help from others and to cheat easily from the other sources.

The process of online exams proctoring is very simple. It just needs some tools and good access to the internet. In this,the student exam or test is taken under the supervision of the webcam. The candidates need the following tools to give an online proctor exam –

  • Devices like smartphones, personal computers, laptops, tablets, or iPads.
  • A good speed internet connection
  • Webcam which functions well
  • The modern windows or browsers which can support this software

There are many types of proctoring –

  • Live proctoring of exams – the online proctor detects the live activities of the students. It records the audio and video while the exam is going on. It shares the live screen with authorities who too can detect many screens at one time.

The monitoring authorities have the right to close the test if they find students doing cheating or breaking any rules. The proctor can monitor up to 35 screens at one time. The advantage of this live proctoring is that the proctor can monitor many students from different locations at one time.

  • Recording of the test – in this there is no need to appoint the live proctor to monitor the screens. A video of a live exam is made, and it is recorded. Then authorities check the videos one by one if any student uses any inappropriate method. These videos act as a shred of evidence. If any students found guilty the video proof can be used as evidence. This allows the proctor to forward or replay the video and to detect the fault in case of any doubt.
  • Automatic advanced technology – it is the most advanced form. In this also the video is live proctored and recorded. The students are monitored under the high authority and any inappropriate activity can result in the cancel of the test. The special feature here is that if in case there is no proctor to monitor students the software it detects the suspicious activities and the test gets to stop. The guidelines to use this technology includes enough light in the room, the student should focus 100% on the screen and make sure that students face is properly visible.

The proctoring services are in great demand, these days as the e-learning platform is growing at a staggering rate. It saves the time of both authorities and students. It also helps the exam conducting companies to save money. It doesn’t require any special infrastructure. It is the safest and modern method which holds the reputation of the exam. As the technology is evolving, so the cheating methods which requires smart proctoring services.